Have you ever felt like you were in the middle of the ocean by yourself, about to drown? Have you ever felt that you were the only person on an island? Or perhaps you have been in a crowded room and felt so alone. We need to realize that no matter how lonely we feel, we are not alone.

New Horizons of Dayton Ministries is a faith-based nonprofit formed in 2017 to empower and inform about social injustices.  In these trying times people are overwhelmed, feel like they are drowning, and losing hope. Sometimes it seems as if we are in the middle of a vast body of water and as far as we can see there is nothing but water all around. New Horizons of Dayton Ministries encourages people to hold out because just on the horizon help, hope, and love are awaiting.

New Horizons of Dayton Ministries was designed to encourage people to make a difference in their own corner of the world by being kind one to another. It is easy to think that the only difference an individual can make, to our society is through the collaborative efforts of many individuals or large groups. While that may be true to some extent, the contributions of individuals can also make a difference to society at large. Each one person reaches one person and makes a difference.

Let people know they matter by:

  • sharing a smile.
  • asking their name or simply saying hello.
  • volunteering in your community.
  • seeking justice over injustice.

One act of kindness that we all can do is found in the gospel of Matthew. Matthew 25:31-46 places the responsibility of caring for the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and be imprisoned on the individuals seeking to be with Christ when He comes in His glory. This scripture teaches that the way we treat others is the way we treat Christ. For what is done to the least is the same thing done to Christ.

The Matthew 25 bags are utilized in an effort to walk in the teachings of the scripture. When we encounter a person that is hungry, thirsty, or in need of hat and gloves, a bag is provided that will meet that need. There are no questions asked and no judgment or condemnation. The onus is placed on the giver not the receiver.

~No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted- AESOP

I Am Not My Sister’s Keeper I Am My Sister is a book designed to bring awareness to intimate partner violence in order to start conversations to help eliminate intimate partner violence. 

In intimate partner relationships, violence has become an epidemic in the United States. One woman out of four women has been the victim of severe physical abuse by an intimate partner. Services and resources are available to the victims of intimate partner violence generally after an occurrence. By being proactive and bringing awareness to the signs of intimate partner violence it may help people to avoid toxic relationships, thus, reducing the violence.

The cost of the book is: $23.25
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Methods of payment are PayPal: @cynthompso
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