Fear is a powerful four-letter word. The word fear is so powerful it can stop a person dead in their tracks. Fear can prevent a person from moving forward or accomplishing things they have always wanted to achieve.  Fear can even take a person’s breath away. Yes, fear can cause a person to hyperventilate or become so anxious that they cannot breathe.

           Oh, wait, maybe that is a phobia because fear is a normal healthy part of life. Fear serves as a warning signal to us of dangerous situations. Whereas, a phobia may turn the typical fear response into a situation that becomes paralyzing. Paralyzing to the point, a person cannot leave their home or drive over a bridge because of a fear turned phobia of water.

           There are many things we want to do, but unhealthy fear stops us from even attempting. The fear of the unknown may prevent us from venturing outside of our comfort zone. The fear of failure may cause a person not to attend a school or learn a new hobby.

           Unhealthy fear can be conquered. First, speak to a mental health professional to distinguish between unhealthy fear and phobia for your specific needs. There are some steps an individual may utilize to combat unhealthy fear. First, learn more about fear. Identify it, research it, examine why that specific fear is holding you hostage. Next, train your imagination and brain to focus on the positive. For example, if a person attends college and is not as successful as they would like to be. It does not mean they failed. It says they tried it, and it was not for them (or not for them at this time). Similar to our attitude toward food. Maybe a person tried frog legs and did not like them. It does not mean the person is a failure, it merely demonstrates they tried frog legs and do not like it.

There are several other ways to bring unhealthy fear back to its healthy function. Consult your mental health professional for suggestions, and stop fear from paralyzing.