
by Rev. Dr. C. L. Thompson

“Jesus has to be and to become ever more the center of my life. It is not enough that Jesus is my teacher, my guide, my source of inspiration. It is not even enough that he is my companion on the journey, my friend and my brother. Jesus must become the heart of my heart, the fire of my life, the love of my soul, the bridegroom of my spirit. He must become my only thought, my only concern, my only desire.” ~ Henri Nouwen

            We must begin to realize and refocus on the fact that we are a community. Yes, we are individuals. Yet, we are individuals that make up a community. As such, we must find a way to live together and to love one another. Although I have the freedom to do whatever I desire, within the limits of the law, my freedom should not impact another person’s ability to live free.

            As a member of the community, we must think of the greater good of the community. While the debate continues regarding vaccination or mask versus no vaccination or no mask, remember some children cannot get vaccinated and are dying. That child lost the right to live free because we lost the willingness to live as a community. As community members, we must consider the impact our decisions have on our education system, healthcare institutions, and workforce, to name a few.

            It is an individual choice whether to get vaccinated or to wear a mask. Let us make that choice from the perspective of how best to serve the community. Let us not continue using the excuse that we do not want the government to regulate what we do, when in fact, the government regulates many facets of our lives.  We cannot drink and drive. The age for purchase and consumption of alcohol is controlled.  We cannot operate an automobile without a seatbelt or be a passenger without a seatbelt. In some places, there is no indoor smoking, and one cannot smoke on a plane. Background checks are required to purchase a weapon and a waiting period.  The list goes on. The point is that the community’s needs outweigh the individual’s rights.

            Let us be in community one with another and have the freedom to live.