How to make normal out of abnormal? How to make a difference out of indifference? How to make sanity out of insanity? Desmond Tutu stated, “there is only one way to eat an elephant, a bite at a time.” 2020 brought in a storm of changes, losses, and disasters. Changes that people were unprepared for, changes that were unforeseen, and changes that were unexpected. 2020 seems overwhelming and out of control.
One way to make normal out of abnormal is to realize that we can only control that which we can control. Develop or return to an activity that brings enjoyment. Perhaps you have always wanted to cook more, try some online recipes to assist in developing culinary skills. Maybe you enjoy being a part of a book club, which is difficult because of stay at home restrictions. Try a video book club. Perhaps you enjoy crocheting or quilting; many stores offer online shopping and delivery of supplies. Developing or returning to an activity that brings enjoyment allows a person to look inside themselves to feel good versus looking to an external source.
Another way to make normal out of abnormal is by doing simple acts of kindness. Send a ‘thinking of you’ card to someone you have not spoken to in a while. Sending a card will allow you to touch a person from a distance and enable the person to be touched. Likewise, place a phone call and engage in a conversation. AT&T had a commercial in the 80s that said reach out and touch someone, let’s reignite that form of touch. ~No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted- AESOP
Another way to make normal out of abnormal is by exploring and expressing our feelings, hurts, and anger positively. Find a professional person or a support group to express yourself. People can realize that they are not alone when they share their feelings in a safe place among similar individuals with the same concerns. Additionally, in a support group, there is a chance to be a blessing to others as well as to be blessed.
Whatever path you take to make normal out of abnormal or sanity out of insanity, keep moving forward until you accomplish your new normal.
By Cynthia L.Thompson
Strong, salient points. Good advice.
Oh God, I Can’t Breathe was devastating. It’s like nobody can help. I’m in a pit of total, complete darkness crying out for help that doesn’t come. So what do I do? I close my eyes and pray like never before, Lord, please hear my cries. I need you right now, right now Lord. Help me to remove this obstacle from my neck. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.